Rahmenprogramm des BMBF zur Förderung der empirischen Bildungsforschung



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Autoren Wuttke, Eveline; Seifried, Jürgen  
Titel Diagnostic competence of (prospective) teachers in vocational education.  
URL https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6209-191-7_17  
Sammelwerk Beck, Klaus (Hrsg.); Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga (Hrsg.): From diagnostics to learning success. Proceedings in vocational education and training.  
ISBN 978-94-6209-189-4; 978-94-6209-190-0; 978-94-6209-191-7  
Dokumenttyp Sammelwerksbeitrag; online; gedruckt  
Beigaben Literaturangaben  
Sprache englisch  
Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklung von Professionalität des pädagogischen Personals in Bildungseinrichtungen  
Schlagwörter Kompetenz; Diagnose; Entwicklungsdiagnostik; Pädagogische Diagnostik; Lehrer; Lehrerausbildung; Ausbildung; Ausbildungsberuf; Praktische Ausbildung  
Abstract Diagnostic competence is considered an important facet of teacher competence that can have a positive impact on learning processes and the performance of students (KMK, 2004; Bruder et al., 2010). Precise diagnosis generally goes hand in hand with better teachers: they are able to adapt their teaching to the individual needs of their students (Helmke, Hosenfeld & Schrader, 2004; Vogt & Rogalla, 2009). Various studies (e.g. PISA) show that teachers are often lacking in this field. This might - at least partly - be due to the fact that in most teacher education programs pedagogical diagnostics are gravely neglected (Helmke, Hosenfeld & Schrader, 2004). Questions regarding diagnostic competence can be dealt with in regard to the current discussion on teacher competences. Three categories of professional knowledge, generally considered to be distinctly different, are seen as crucial: (1) general pedagogical knowledge, (2) pedagogical content knowledge, and (3) content knowledge (Graeber & Tirosh, 2008; Hill, Ball & Schilling, 2008; Shulman, 1986). The broadest and most common definition of professional teacher competence is a complex construct which includes knowledge, beliefs and motivational orientations (Baumert & Kunter, 2006; Desimone, 2009). Referring to Shulman, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) can be described as a specific type of knowledge on how to transform knowledge of subject content into teaching. This kind of knowledge supports abilities such as the effective structuring of lessons, the use of specific representations or analogies, and an awareness of possible mistakes, misconceptions or content-related learning difficulties (van Driel & Berry, 2010). We will narrow our focus on diagnostic competence to professional error competence, which is a teacher's ability to diagnose student errors and use them constructively in the classroom (Wuttke & Seifried, 2009). Our focus is on business education and in particular on accountancy. In this field little is known about student errors and which competences teachers need to diagnose and handle them constructively. (Orig.).  
Projekt Diagnose von und Umgang mit Schülerfehlern als Facette der professionellen Kompetenz von Lehrkräften (ProFeL II)
Förderkennzeichen 01JH1205